Advertising your company is important — although many businesses would like to think that the old adage, ?build it and they will come? is true, the opposite is more usually accurate — ?build it and they will ignore it, unless you draw their attention.?
Getting someone?s attention in an increasingly crowded advertisement marketplace can be difficult, though. What can your company do in order to get more eyes on your business?s message — and more foot traffic — for the least amount of money? Here are some novel ideas that could be potentially low cost per customer acquisition.
Give Flowers, Generate Intrigue
Flowers are something people have strong associations with, much like chocolate. Love, romance, promise, hope — these are all things that run through people?s minds when they receive a flower. For this reason, flowers have served as a potentially powerful form of advertising for numerous companies. To apologies for too many delays, Munich?s s-bahn service, for example, sometimes has greeters hand out carnations to those using the commuter trains. Your company could do their own take on this. If you?re a bar perfect for couples, why not pass out flowers with your information attached to them in a popular dinner location?
Aerial Ads
Did you know that according to surveys, almost 8)% of respondents could remember the name of a service or product listed on airplane signs? Sky writing and sky banners are not a typical form of advertising but they are a very memorable one, and they can potentially reach thousands of viewers in one go. The best messages for sky banners are short ones since the sign is viewed from such a distance that the letters must be very large, and easy enough to understand in one glance. A sign or actual clouds can be used — in ideal air conditions, messages can stay visible for 20 or even 30 minutes before dissipating. Sky banners remain a popular advertising tool along beach areas where many potential consumers are looking toward the sky.
Advertise With Cats
Now, hear us out: you don?t need to literally trap cats and put little advertisements in their collars. Instead, you should look to tap into the popularity of recent memes. A classic meme, known as Grumpy Cat, has helped many a business gain additional attention for their brand. Using memes for more casual websites, like Twitter or FB, can help your business a lot. Just make sure to maintain a consistent tone — and make sure you understand the memes background before attaching its message to your product or service!