There is an immense cost for businesses that don’t utilize the power of good customer service. In fact, a 2016 report from Forbes found that businesses are losing $62 billion annually due to customer service issues. It’s important that a company is able to provide customer service, especially those in the medical industry. Statistics show that 91% of all individuals in the United States with a mobile device keep it within arms reach around the clock. In many cases, cell phones are purchased solely to provide a means of communication while dealing with an emergency medical situation. Considering that, here are five benefits of medical answering services for your company.
- Not Having Calls Go To Voicemail
While recording a pleasant might seem perfect to reach customers while you’re away, this isn’t actually true. In fact, statistics show that 80% of customers will immediately hang up on a business if they hear a voicemail. Medical situations can sometimes cause a lot of stress. Considering that, it’s best for someone to speak with an actual person instead of leaving a voicemail. - No Wasting Time Finding the Right Receptionist
Many business owners feel that hiring a receptionist during business hours is a wise solution. However, there is no guarantee that hiring a receptionist will solve all of your answering problems. One reason for this is that a receptionist might often need time away. In addition, you might risk hiring a range of people that never end up working out for your business. On the other hand, you won’t have to pay the cost of an average receptionist salary while hiring a phone answering service. - Great for Emergency Situations
In many cases, those in the medical field might be available only for emergency situations. That being said, you don’t want to hire multiple receptionists to sit in your offices around the clock. This would quickly turn into paying multiple wages for days that aren’t always busy. With that in mind, hiring a phone answering service is the perfect solution for medical professionals. A phone answering service enables you to choose which calls need action and which are able to wait until Monday, all while ensuring every customer receives a caring and compassionate response. - Spending Less Time Answering Phones
Medical professionals tend to lead extremely busy lives. If you want to spend more time on helping others and less tied up handling calls, it’s wise to consider hiring a phone answering service. In the event that you hire a receptionist, there’s no guarantee that they will practice perfect attendance. Therefore, this likely leaves you and any other staff members as impromptu receptionists for the day. - Automatically Setting Appointments
For medical professionals, revenue is received through treating patients. This means that reminders for follow up appointments are extremely important for your medical practice to continue earning revenue. Considering that, it’s wise to find a phone answering service provider that automatically calls patients to remind them of follow up appointments.
To summarize, hiring a phone answering service is a great solution for busy medical professionals. While you enjoy helping people, it’s still important that you’re able to earn revenue. Considering that, a phone answering service helps to avoid revenue that would go towards hiring multiple receptionists. If you’re ready to have phone calls automatically taken care of, contact a phone answering service provider right away.