If someone were to approach you on the streets and asked if you wanted to invest in renting a warehouse, you would probably think they are crazy. This is because the idea of renting a warehouse or leasing a warehouse sounds absolutely ridiculous. However, commercial warehousing space is a hot commodity right now thanks to Amazon and other companies that are utilizing this space for their e-commerce production.
Leasing retail space is already a common action for many business owners in the United States. The concept of the pop-up shop has become huge in the past five years. This concept basically involves someone finding a warehouse to rent or renting a commercial space for a limited time and then selling an item in this space. Here. are all of the facts on renting a warehouse and what it means for the future of business.
The amount of occupied distribution and warehouse space has managed to increase by almost 86% since the year of 2000. This is because companies like Amazon are working to expand their e-commerce revenue by opening up warehouses across the nation. these warehouses act as a distribution center where items are shipped out of to local residents who order items from Amazon.
Renting a warehouse probably does not sound as crazy anymore once you read that Amazon is leading the charge in getting these spaces bought up. Across the nation, there are over 166,000 men and women who are employed by the storage and warehouse leasing industry. So all of this action involved in purchasing warehouses and such also helps boost people in teh local area by giving them jobs.
The future of business for many companies involves shipping items to people in their homes. There have even been rumblings that there is the potential for items being delivered by drones to peoples houses. These types of developments are going to make it much easier for the businesses that work directly with developing e-commerce to do so much more over the next ten years.
Experts who are working in the field of understanding business analytics believe that e-commerce is only going to continue to grow. As a matter of fact, these people believe that over the next five years that e-commerce is believed to grow at a compounded annual average of just about 10%. This means that there are going to be more opportunities for people who are craving renting a warehouse and people who want to be employed by these warehouses.
In Conclusion
So many people who are paid to understand and analyze the business market believe that the future of the economy will rest within e-commerce and companies like Amazon. Over the past ten years, there have been plenty of developments in technology which allow for people to use them on a daily basis. So there is no question that e-commerce and these companies that deal directly with providing goods with technology are only going to become more prevalent over the next ten years.