When it comes to the customer experience, many grocery stores and other types of retail establishments know exactly what to do. Furthermore, when customers have a positive shopping experience, they’re willing to pay more for products, which includes impulse purchases from well-designed, creative displays.
A 2011 consumer report found that 86% of customers are will pay more when they have a “better” experience. While each customer will tend to have their own definition of this, stores that are clean and well-organized will usually attract more customers. Friendly sales associates also make a difference in this regard.
Free standing sign holders and other types of signage also make a difference with selling full-priced merchandise. The consumer study found that when full-priced merchandise had effective vinyl tag protectors, that it performed 18% better that merchandise without a sign.
A 2014 Mass Merchant Study found that unplanned purchases, or impulse buys, are made when shoppers notice a display when they’re shopping. This was the case with 16% of the consumers that participated in this study. It’s interesting to note that it only takes three to seven seconds for a shopper to decide to purchase their usual brand or the same item from a competitor. It’s been demonstrated that six to ten store purchases are impulse purchases such as these.
The combined results of several studies, including Brigham Young University’s, found that when store items have signs, they outsell merchandise without signs by 20%. This is just a two percent difference from the previously-mentioned study. Since shoppers will make 82% of their decisions when they’re at a store, display racks tend to attract their attention. This is also the case with strategically-placed product literature holders and custom retail displays.
Easy-to-read and colorful vinyl tag protectors, for example, will usually make a difference in this regard as well. Many consumers want to have access to important product information prior to making a purchase. When grocery shopping, for instance, being able to know whether or not produce is locally-grown may encourage them to purchase local rather than imported produce.
While many consumers will conduct product research on their smartphones before going shopping, recent data shows that 77% prefer going into a store to shop. Consumers come into contact with or are otherwise exposed to an average of 3,000 ads and promotional messages on a daily basis. Given this, once they’re in a store, they are likely to be drawn to well-designed and placed signs, such as vinyl tag protectors.