If you own, operate, or manage a truck fleet, you know that productivity can quickly suffer if you are not certain that the systems you have in place are reliable. Everything from GPS tracking to your fleet camera system can have a tremendous impact on the safety and efficiency of your business operations. With our simple tips, we hope to get you started on establishing a standard for the type of equipment that can improve your truck fleet in every imaginable way, while also taking pricing, quantity, and specific features into consideration.
If you have not performed an analysis of your GPS equipment, then it may be time to do so. When it comes to saving valuable time and money, the right GPS tracking solutions are crucial. If your drivers are on the roads with bad directions, then it could end up costing them lots of time to correct errors that may have otherwise been avoided. This adds up as hits to your business take the form of late deliveries, frustrated employees, and wasted fuel. Conversely, a high-quality GPS equipment tracking system can actually save you time by providing drivers with the quickest, most effective routes. Additionally, they can do the work to assess your route for any road closures or accidents, then suggest alternate routes so that your fleet can continue running smoothly without any unnecessary time-wasting obstacles. A reputable company that deals with logistics and fleet solutions can get you started on finding a GPS fleet tracking system that fits your needs and your pricing.
It’s also important to prioritize communication with your drivers. A good GPS fleet tracking system gives you constant access to your drivers so that you are able to communicate any last-minute information, or receive urgent updates from the road. As with any business, regardless of the industry, its overall function is largely dependent on its ability to communicate quickly and accurately. Managing a truck fleet is no different. With the right GPS system, communication is a breeze.
Of course, adverse weather conditions are something every fleet management business should be aware of. Depending on your region and your routes, inclement weather like extreme rain, hail, or snow, can really dampen your fleet’s safety and overall productivity. On February 11, 1999, Tahtsa, British Columbia was blanketed with nearly a meter and a half of snow (145 cm, to be exact). This landmark day is the greatest single-day snowfall recorded in Canada. Without the same technological solutions that exist today, truck fleets were at a massive disadvantage out on the roads. Thankfully there are numerous snow plow tracking software solutions available on today’s market. Staying on top of your drivers’ whereabouts and status during bad weather is another major reason to invest in the right fleet GPS tracking system. Once you know what you’re looking for, experts with knowledge and experience can help guide you through finding a system that works for you in terms of pricing, features, and management.
As with any business, maintaining top function is a result of your ability to stay up to date with developments in your field. When it comes to managing truck fleets, there are always new gadgets that make your life that much easier, which in turn makes your business more efficient in nearly every measure. But sometimes it’s difficult to stay on top of all the different components. From employee management to customer relations and daily operations, educating yourself on the latest technology can seem overwhelming. However, it’s an investment that can have enormous returns for you and your fleet. If you’re looking for a new GPS system, then working alongside experts that have years of experience and industry knowledge can help ease your mind, and make your decision process progress without any unnecessary headaches.