There was a time when you thought that power washing the deck was difficult. Now that you are the maintenance engineer for a rather large food production plant, however, you know that the deck washing was no big deal. Some of the on the job cleaning projects that you supervise require the use of industrial dry steamcleaners, carbon dioxide blasting machines, and dry vapor steamers.
From building service contractors to universities and from restaurants to car dealerships, the need for professional cleaning machines like industrial dry steamcleaners is essential. Whether you are trying to sanitize a food processing conveyor belt or the interior of a used car that you will soon price and put on the lot, having the right kind of commercial cleaning tool makes all of the difference. Consider some of these facts and figures about the industrial cleaning industry and some of the more challenging tasks:
- Steam cleaning systems sanitize surfaces while also eliminating chemical residues on the treated areas. With the limited use of only 1.5 quarts of water an hour, this method is nearly mess free.
- Generating more than $168 billion in annual revenue around the world, the cleaning industry is a growing business.
- Steam kills dust mites and bed bugs, as well as 99% of common household germs and bacteria, including E.Coli, salmonella, and staph.
- Biological, chemical, and physical are the three main types of contaminants and hazards that can cause unsafe food. The biological problems include microorganisms; chemical problems include pest control and cleaning solvents; and physical problems include dirt, hair, or other matter.
- 17% of Americans every year get sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Clean hospitals and restaurants are a concern for many people.
- 29% of those surveyed indicated that they would never go back to a restaurant with unsanitary bathrooms.
- 100,000 people die every year from diseases acquired inside U.S. hospitals, according to the CDC.
If your job revolves around the industrial cleaning business you likely understand the importance of having the right tools for the job. Industrial dry steamcleaners are just one of the many machines that are used by commercial cleaning companies around the world.