As librarians, archivists and school staff know, labels are much more than just labels. Besides identifying books and other objects, labels help to classify, organize, track and manage them as they are used by hundreds and even thousands of people. Library supply labels, spine repair tapes, book labels and mailing labels make possible all the complex transactions needed in any facility that handles a lot of books, documents and related objects. Like industrial labels, they have multiple functions that make it possible to circulate and manage large collections.
Print is alive and well
When it comes to books and reading, there are a lot of myths which predict their decline. However, actual surveys and research show a very different picture. Even in this age of smart devices and handheld readers, with so much information easily available, people read books. Americans still read, and average 12 books every year.
Even more surprisingly, print remains the favorite format for books. Over two-thirds or 67% of all those who have read a book in the past year, said that the book they read was in print format. And libraries continue to be popular, with more than 119,000 scattered around the U.S. All these books and associated documents must be organized and tracked in order to manage them. That’s where labels come into the picture.
Labels do so much more
Labels are much more than an identification device. Librarians, archivists, school staff and others who handle large numbers of books and documents use labels of various kinds to classify, manage, shelve, circulate and track them. Here are some of the ways in which libraries and schools use labels to manage their collections.
- Classify
Besides identification, library supply labels help to organize and manage large collections of books and documents. Adding color coding tape makes it easier to shelve and find books according to genre and subject. Label protectors help to ensure that the labels can withstand continuous and even heavy usage. - Repair
Books that circulate occasionally need repair, and spine repair tape can help protect popular books and extend their life. - Speciality labels
Custom labels can carry important messages identifying new books, the duration of the loan period, reference works that are not to be checked out, etc. Bookplates can be used to thank patrons for their donations.
Customers designed labels
Like industrial labels, library labels have many different functions. Also like industrial labels, library labels can be customized to suit the specific needs of each client. Labels can be customized for size, color, lettering and design for all kinds of purposes.
Despite all the naysayers, book and reading continue to flourish, as do libraries. Library supply tapes make it easier for staff, students and library users to find and use the materials they need. Like industrial labels, library labels can be customized for each user and each project.