Are you paying too much for electricity? According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average monthly utility bill runs as high as $95.66 — and rates only climb in the winter. There are alternatives to paying outrageous amounts to electric utility suppliers. Here’s what you can do:
Don’t Forget About Electronics
The majority of homeowners prepare for winter by sealing up windows and insulating doors. This is not wrong — in fact, it’s a great start — but insulating windows and doors alone will not put a significant dent in pricey electric bills. Many homeowners continue to make the mistake of leaving large electronics plugging in around the clock. Plugged in laptops, computers, and TVs use power — even if they aren’t turned on. “The EPA estimates that these idle gadgets burn through more than 100 billion kilowatt hours of electricity nationwide each year. That’s about $10 billion worth of energy,” USA Today reports. The publication, however, also recommends an easy fix: “Big-ticket items like your TV and computer are the biggest energy-suckers. Use a smart power strip or surge suppressor for these gadgets. Smart power strips will shut down a power outlet when it senses your gadgets have gone into standby mode.”
Switch Electricity Providers
If your bill is unreasonably high, you don’t have to stand for it. Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusets, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and the District of Columbia all deregulate power, or allow consumers to choose electricity providers. Wondering how to choose electricity providers?
Choose the provider that best suits you. Some providers offer different payment plans, with fixed rates instead of typical fluctuating ones. (This may save you money if fuel prices are especially high.) Others offer discounted rates for customers who choose clean and/or green energy.
Don’t settle for exorbitant energy bills. Save money on electricity by asking how to choose electricity providers and unplugging computers and TVs when you’re not using them. Find more. Learn more at this link.