Metal certainly ranks among the most important and widely used construction materials that the human race has ever used. From the prehistoric eras to today, metals are used to make tools and weapons, and now, they are also used to make electronic goods and vehicles. Some prehistoric eras are named after the most commonly used metals of the time, such as the Iron Age and Copper Age, which shows how vital metals are for construction and work. Starting in the Industrial Revolution, mass production of metal became a reality, which spurred on rapid industrialization and the invention of skyscrapers, railroads, and much more. Today, high yield steel and stainless steel are staples for construction, but aluminum, copper, and various alloys such as 70 30 copper nickel sheets are quite useful as well. What is there to know about steel, copper, aluminum, and alloys such as A286 steel and 70 30 copper nickel sheets that are aavailable wholesale across the nation?
The Many Uses of Steel and Aluminum
While steel and aluminum cannot actually do everything, these are two common metals that have desirable properties of all kinds. Thus, they see use in all sorts of industries, and steel ranks among the most commonly exported and traded material around the globe. The United States not only produces a lot of steel and sheet metal, but also imports many tons of it from China, Germany, and Canada. Steel is made of refined and purified iron, and is lighter and stronger than iron is. Strictly speaking, steel has been in use since the Middle Ages (to make knight swords and armor), but it was only mass produced starting in the mid 1800s or so. Steel can be made stainless and resist corrosion, and that is useful for making surgical equipment and cutlery. High yield steel can be used to make vehicles of all kinds, not to mention I-beams and railroad tracks.
Steel is made at a mill, and the raw material can be passed through pressurized rollers at a high temperature to make finished metal sheets. This is hot rolled steel, and though it has imprecise dimensions, it is quite useful for making goods such as I-beams and railroad tracks. Meanwhile, if that steel is passed through rollers again but at room temperature, this results in cold rolled steel. Such materials are excellent for producing manufactured goods, since cold rolled steel has precise dimensions and a glossy, protective coat. It may be noted that steel can be used to make alloys, such as A286 stainless steel.
Aluminum is a soft and commonplace metal that is even lighter than steel, and it is frequently found in electronic goods and household appliances. What is more, manufacturers are more and more often using aluminum to make light and therefore fuel efficient vehicles. Many car rims are made of aluminum, for example.
70 30 Copper Nickel Sheets and Their Uses
As mentioned earlier, steel and aluminum are quite useful, but they cannot handle all types of jobs. Steel or aluminum may melt, warp, or suffer serious corrosion during some types of work, so metal alloys can be used instead. An alloy is a composite metal made up of two or more “ingredient” metals, such as steel and nickel, titanium, copper, brass, and more. Alloys are typically designed for specific properties, and thus can be used in extreme conditions where steel would be compromised. This is why some manufacturers may order wholesale supplies such as 70 30 copper nickel sheets or naval brass rolls to make their items, rather than defaulting to steel for everything.
Copper is a common metal for alloys, and it can resist corrosion to a significant degree. This makes copper alloys, such as 70 30 cupro nickel, ideal for making undersea pipes and valves that are constantly exposed to salt water from the inside and outside. Such alloys are often used in chemical plants as well, to make tanks, pipes, valves, and pumps. Some alloys are resistant to heat or pressure extremes, making them a fine choice for making jet and train engines, or space shuttle parts. Metal bellows, which must flex and bend without rupturing while containing very hot materials, are often made of alloys as well.