If you own your own business, you know how important it is for your employees to do their job. Without them generating revenue for your company, there would be no company and, therefore, no need for an HVAC system. The day will come when the time has come to replace that old and worn-down heating and air conditioning unit with a brand-new model.
HV AC repair can be a very complicated process because you have to budget out all of the costs, determine if it is in your best interest financially, figure out what kind or type of system will work best for this building, in particular, find the right HVAC contractors who have the expertise needed to get the job done well without costing you more than necessary in supplies and labor, consider all of the costs, manage your time well to get this done before it gets too hot or too cold in that building, etc. That is why you need to have a plan in place for when that day comes around because not all HVAC units are created equally, and some models are far more efficient than others.
When it is time for your business to replace its HVAC system, there are some things you should do to ensure a smooth transition. Here are some tips that will help things progress as quickly and smoothly as possible:
Isolate and Inspect the System
The old unit must be turned off before work begins on removing it. If there is still power running through the lines when they are cut, someone could get seriously injured or even killed. Do not risk it! Even better, hire a company that will take care of everything for you. They will know exactly what needs to be done and how best to do it safely.
Many companies do not take the time to look over their old units before replacing them. That is a mistake! If you have an older unit, it might have parts that are no longer available because the manufacturer has discontinued them. In that case, your options will be limited because HVAC repair services or refurbishing will be impossible.
Newer models of HVAC systems from top companies may offer lower energy consumption and larger warranties. Make sure to get several quotes for your business so you can choose the best option based on price and quality.
Choose Your Replacement Unit Carefully
Not all HVAC systems are created equal! For example, some units will provide your business with a more even heating and cooling experience. That is because these models have built-in modulating technology that allows the compressor to run at low speeds, which prevents it from cycling on and off too quickly. If you want your employees to be comfortable in the workplace, make sure they get a unit from a reputable company.
In addition to choosing a replacement unit based on technical specifications, do not forget about aesthetics! A sleek new exterior might boost morale among your workers, or it might draw customers in if they see your HVAC system when they come into the building. Either way, make sure you do what it takes to get them excited (and keep them excited) about their newfound comfort.
Upgrade your ductwork when replacing units. The ducts in an HVAC system serve a very important function: they circulate warm or cool air throughout the building using fans and vents to distribute it precisely. If you want to improve the airflow in your building or replace older units with newer ones that are more efficient, make sure the ductwork is up to par.
Protect Against Corrosion
Over time, corrosion can cause problems with your HVAC system’s compressor coils. Although it is not too difficult to deal with these issues when they do arise, having them fixed early on will save you a lot of headaches in the future. It is important to have an expert look over your system before any new HVAC system installation so they can address any concerns they find right away.
Outsource the Installation
Unless you have experience with HVAC systems, it is a very good idea to hire a company that specializes in installation. They will know exactly what needs to be done and how best to do it safely. A poorly installed unit will lead to all kinds of problems for your business down the road, so do not take any chances by trying this part on your own.
If you decide to install the new unit yourself, make sure you get all of the necessary permits beforehand! Luckily, plenty of companies can take care of all your needs when it comes to heating and cooling units. However, these companies charge different prices depending on their location and what products they carry in stock.
Use Google or call around for a list of some top choices in the area that have a good reputation for being reliable and trustworthy with commercial-grade equipment at affordable prices while also being able to properly service any problems that may occur in the future just in case no one has told you yet: expect issues from time-to-time with any HVAC unit.
If your current HVAC system is nearing the end of its serviceable life, it may be time to consider upgrading. If this is the case, you are likely wondering what steps need to be taken to execute a replacement without interruption of business operations properly.
Is Your Current System Due for Repair?
Before you can replace any equipment, it must first work reliably for a significant length of time. Therefore, before replacing anything, you should ensure that HVAC maintenance and upkeep have been kept up with and any malfunctions have been repaired. Additionally, if your system needs repair but prioritizes other factors over quick fixes, i.e., temporary loss of customers or revenue, then try negotiations with your HVAC contractor to waive the non-emergency fees until you can afford the AC repair service charges.
Set Up a Plan for New Equipment
To mitigate any future complications that might come from upgrading, it is essential to set up a plan with your HVAC contractor regarding what equipment will be used and when it will arrive. Considerations should be made regarding how long current employees have worked in the business and their familiarity with existing equipment: try discussing this plan beforehand with them. Hence, they know what to expect when changes are installed. In addition, if you are looking into replacing your system with a newer model, the chances are high that parts will not readily be available in the event one breaks down shortly. Thus, it is important to consider this when planning your upgrade and consider stocking up on spare parts just in case.
Schedule the Replacements as Close Together as Possible
Even if you are prepared for new equipment, do not go at it alone: bring in a group of contractors to help out with its installation and HVAC repairs. With multiple people working simultaneously, you can be sure that work will get done faster, and there will always be someone on hand to deal with small issues before they turn into big ones. By scheduling installations to start and end around the same time, you also avoid racking up numerous emergency service fees or causing unnecessary disruptions by carrying out multiple replacements consecutively.
Ensure a Smooth Transition in Operations
From the moment you initiate the project to the day that all equipment has been replaced and your system is running smoothly, expect some minor inconveniences. While everyone should be prepared for daily business operations to fail for a few days while work is carried out, these inconveniences can easily be minimized by following our previous suggestions. E.g., scheduling installations as close together as possible so downtime between replacements is kept to a minimum.
Set up an agreement with your contractor. Once everything has been successfully installed and old equipment removed from its place of origin, it is important to establish how long your new HVAC system will run at peak performance before routine inspections and necessary maintenance is required. While it might be tempting to take a ‘set it and forget approach, HVAC systems are notorious for failing when they are least expected due to lack of care and upkeep. Therefore, we recommend that you establish a long-term agreement with your company that will give you peace of mind knowing that any issues will be handled as soon as possible whenever they arise.
Learn About Your New Equipment
While we understand that there is more than one way to sweep a floor, we would like to remind everyone (especially those in charge) not to neglect to learn about how the new equipment works and even try out some of its controls before leaving the contractor behind. Doing this ensures that you have a better understanding of how to take care of it in the long run, so you will not have to hire another company down the line for basic upkeep. In its worst-case scenario, if your equipment causes damage, e.g., spills chemicals onto materials that cannot be cleaned or damage itself by being used incorrectly, then at least you will only be responsible for paying the contractor to fix their own mistakes instead of shelling out even more cash on top of it.
Schedule Time With Employees for Training Programs
When you consider replacing your business’s HVAC system, all your employees are up-to-date with the necessary training. While reading through manuals might seem like enough preparation to get started with your HVAC system replacement, employees are usually the ones who will need serious training before they can use new equipment properly. Thus, it is important to establish a specific time for this training and keep employees in the loop about what they can expect from these sessions.
Furthermore, because there are often other things that make operating a new HVAC system different from its predecessor (e.g., different types of controls, added features), it is equally important to inform them of any changes to the company’s structure and policies surrounding work operations.
These individuals need to understand what makes up a properly functioning cooling system and how the entire unit operates. Additionally, depending on their positions within the company, some workers may even require training that focuses specifically on how certain processes will be impacted by new changes to their immediate work environment and throughout the entire facility.
Assign Specific Work Areas for Each Replacement
While having multiple contractors working at once might sound like a good idea initially, it also poses the risk of confusion when trying to determine who is responsible for which part of your building: not only during installation but also after replacements have been completed and employees begin using the new systems. Thus, if possible, we recommend splitting up different areas of your office between contractors so they can have dedicated workstations for installing equipment and will not accidentally cause any harm by working on the wrong parts of your building at once.
Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate With Your Contractors
We know that budgets are a hot topic among business owners after a recession hits. Still, it is important not to neglect to make an effort to negotiate with your contractors whenever you can, especially when time is a factor. By allowing yourself some extra time to consider quotes from different companies before making a final decision, you will be able to make choices based on real numbers instead of estimates and promises. Furthermore, if you can provide your materials for the project, you will be surprised at how much more of a discount you can negotiate.
Finally, it is important to keep track of everything that is being installed or replaced by service providers, including plumbers, HVAC companies, or any company offering services to your business: not only because it is easier to make sure all parts are accounted for this way, but also because it will give you peace of mind knowing that all major elements are covered in detail before any replacements are finalized. Furthermore, having an itemized list of deliverables will help reduce errors during installation and minimize the need for additional repairs later on down the line.