
The world is made up of large amounts of water. Most of the water is in the form of oceans, lakes, and rivers that flow into one another, creating the entire water system of our world. It is a unique and crucial part of our existence, providing us with both water for nourishment and water for oxygen. The larger waterways also are home to many underwater beings, playing an important part in our ecosystem. Even with so much water in our world, much of the world?s water is contaminated and requires specialized geotechnical services.

Environmental engineering services
Environmental engineering takes parts of the world?s large supply of water and turns it into useable water. This water is then filtered and used as drinking water and cleaning water. Residential wells are created to process and then supply the water by environmental engineering firms. Approximately 500,000 new residential wells are constructed annually, according to NGWA estimates. The construction of these vitally needed water supply systems involves the use of more than 18,460 drilling machines by an estimated 8,085 groundwater contracting firms.

The need for improved filtering systems
As new types of water are filtered for different parts of the world, the filtering systems need to be updated. Otherwise, the water is left with contaminants and can spread disease. Civil engineers are tasked with the specific responsibility of improving the environment quality of the world?s drinking water. Because much of the water that we actually use for drinking water comes from underground, advanced filtering processes are often needed.

From groundwater to drinking water
Of the total 349 billion gallons of freshwater in the United States withdrawn each day, groundwater is estimated to be 79.6 billion gallons, or 26%. Groundwater is water that comes from rain, snow melt, or ice. It is water that is often recycled, but in many cases, ends up in the world are drinking supply. Geotechnical engineers are an important part in not only monitoring and measuring the proper filtering of this process, but also in creating new ways to reuse groundwater, especially in impoverished and low income countries.

Current polluted drinking water
Quality drinking water is a newer problem that is emerging in countries all over the world. Residents of third world countries are going without quality drinking water. Even residents of countries like the United States are being forced to use contaminated drinking water. Many geotechnical professionals estimate that there are larger percentages of pollution than expected. Water quality reports indicate that 45% of U.S. streams, 47% of lakes, and 32% of bays are polluted.

Human contaminated waters
Geotechnical professionals are not only responsible for monitoring and filtering water that is contaminated by the Earth?s natural contaminants, but also from human induced contaminants. The world uses more pesticides than ever before. These pesticides are used for food growth, beauty and medication products and in the form of ant and bug control for households. The biggest problem with these items is that they do not break down and are not recyclable.

Much of the leftover product washes into the planet?s current water systems, including drinkable sources, leaving them contaminated and unhealthy. Other things contribute to contamination, including vehicle emissions and large commercial boats. When people litter unrecyclable items, it affects the overall ecosystem of the oceans, also polluting the waterways. Many years of consistent pollution can severely damage the planet?s water sources, leaving much of it unrepairable, even by the best geotechnical professionals.

Water is perhaps the most important part of the Earth?s land. Without it, we simply could not live. Although a large percentage of the world is covered with water, extremely high percentages of that water are unusable as a healthy drinking source. The water that is useable continues to be contaminated by vehicles and other sources of pollution. While geotechnical professionals are working toward improving the useable water sources, efforts also need to extend to the Earth?s inhabitants.

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