As companies across the nation continue to assess their current expenses and find a way though these challenging times, the trend of having so many people work from home threatens to change the commercial real estate landscape. As workers capitalize on ways to be as productive in their home offices as they were in expensive company offices, then, it should come as no surprise that inplant offices are increasing in popularity. Eliminating the costs of leasing high rise buildings to impress clients may be a thing of the past and with the inexpensive and efficient use of prefabricated office walls many manufacturing plants are finding that inplant offices are a more economical choice.
With the lines blurring and changing about who really is an essential worker, many companies are realizing that their money is better spent keeping factory workers safe and healthy than spending exorbitant amounts of money on VIP and executive offices.
In most cases travel budgets have been slashed as companies of all size have eliminated the amount of travel that workers are allowed and this means that there are other options that are being reconsidered as well. And while there will still be some top executives who will surely have access to the amenities that they have become accustomed to, the reality is that more and more companies are making changes to keep essential workers safe and asking executives to work from home.
Wise Decisions About Commercial Leasing Budgets Can Help Protect Essential Workers
By making use of the latest and easiest to clean and disinfect warehouse partitioning systems, many companies are finding that they can keep their essential workers safer and on the job. Paying for these kinds of dividers, however, has not always been in the budget. With calculations that show that executives who are often sequestered away in ivory towers are chewing up valuable funding, some companies are realizing that temporary inplant offices are a much wiser solution. Moved from one location to another, in fact, these implant offices allow managerial staff to be closer to the action and help supervise and trouble shoot problems.
Prefabricated offices are nothing new, but as more and more companies look to adjust to a work from home model, it is likely that many will decide that inplant offices are a better use of funds. Permanent and relocatable are the two main types of modular construction and it should come as no surprise that both of these options are infinitely less expensive than renting office space in the latest mega commercial real estate properties. And given the admiration that many have felt for the folks who are doing the hard work of preparing meat and assembling testing kits, it only makes sense that companies that are investing in the safe working environment for essential workers will see many benefits. In addition to keeping workers safer, it is also important to note that when the executives are more closely located to these workers, relations can improve.
As no surprise to those who have been using these methods during the last decade, a report by the Building Industry Association of Philadelphia estimates that going modular can reduce construction cost by 9% to 20%. Reduction in costs, of course, is what many companies are looking for as they attempt to navigate the unique challenges that 2020 is bringing. Fortunately, Modular methods allow for speedier construction times still maintaining quality. As evidence, one Chinese modular construction company recently built a 57-story building in just 19 days, but that building was still able to pass and exceed all necessary safety checks and standards. As an added bonus, modular constructions reduce energy consumption during the building process by as much as 67% as well as reduce energy costs later on for current and future occupants. More specifically, modular construction can reduce waste materials like cement, bricks, timber, concrete, wood pallets, shrink wrap, cardboard, and plasterboard by as much as 90%, according to UK-based Waste and Resources Action Programme.
Challenging times require a new look at protocols and practices of the past, but companies who are putting essential worker safety at the forefront will see a number of benefits.