This video is hosted by the number one professional real estate agent globally. He sells almost 100 million dollars of homes each month. In this video, he shows you how to become a professional real estate agent.
In addition, he has seven steps to teach you how to become a broker like him.
Step one – find the best real estate agent in your neighborhood and work for them for free. Be their intern.
Step two – get your real estate license.
Step three – join a team to help you get resources and knowledge.
Step four – build your influence. First, reach out to all the people you have even known in your life to see if they want to buy or sell. Next are the people you do not know; just put yourself out there.
Step five – set yourself up for success. Also known as finder, keeper, doer.
Step six – the three F’s. These are follow up, follow through, and follow back.
Step seven – meet new people who want to rent, sell, or buy.
Bonus step eight – training, practicing, and studying.