Signs are extremely important for schools. In fact, research shows that on site signage is worth placing 24 full page ads in the newspaper each year. Whether you’re interested in scrolling marquee signs or something a little different, it’s wise to have ideas for sign content throughout the year. Considering how fast paced schools are, it’s understandable to have a hard time coming up with new ideas. Here are five great ideas to consider placing on school marquee signs.

  1. Highlighting Excellent Employees and Students

    Throughout the school year, certain people will stand above and beyond others. For example, a few students might have had perfect attendance throughout the year. On the other hand, your school might have had a teacher recently win an important award. No matter the reason, it’s important to highlight students, teachers, and other faculty who are examples of excellence for others.
  2. Celebrating Major Wins

    Each year, many students want to participate in their school’s respective sports programs. These programs often allow children to play football, basketball, baseball, and other popular sports. Considering that, it’s important to make your school’s sports teams feel special after a big win. You can also include the dates, times and locations for your team’s upcoming games.
  3. Informing the Public About Fundraisers

    Unfortunately, many schools find it difficult to achieve optimal levels of funding. Considering that, many schools hold fundraisers. It’s imperative that the public remains aware of your school’s fundraising efforts. Therefore, you can utilize marquee signs for schools as perfect places for keeping everyone updated on fundraisers.
  4. Reminding Everyone About Enrollment Dates

    It’s impossible for a school to remain in operation without students. With that in mind, it’s wise to place enrollment dates on your school’s marquee signs. Placing enrollment dates on marquee signs for schools helps ensure parents won’t miss this important deadline. Research shows that 26% of poll respondents jotted down a phone number found on outdoor signage. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you don’t forget to place your school’s contact information alongside enrollment dates.
  5. A Place for Great Quotes

    Not all types of information on school marquee signs need to be about this location. Throughout the year, many schools place a wide range of quotes on their marquee signs. You could choose inspiring quotes that motivate others. On the other hand, you can also choose to place humorous quotes about academia on these signs.

In conclusion, there are many ideas to think about placing your school’s marquee sign. If you’re wanting to update this information on a consistent basis, it’s wise to purchase digital signs. These signs are often made from LEDs which are estimated to achieve a 53% penetration of the global light market during this year. There are many types of marquee signs for schools on the market. If you’re needing help with new signage or updating old signs, consider contacting a professional signage company right away.

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