Your experience with retail displays is showing.
It seems like every organization that you are involved in has discovered your previous background in retail displays and has found a way to use their skills to your advantage. From rebranding the high school show choir home competition to preparing for both club and college gymnastics banquets, your previous experience with display stands, acrylic poster frames, and poster easels, in some ways you feel as if you have never really left that retail displays career. Instead, you have simply rechanneled your efforts into your daughters’ activities.
the first time your previous marketing experience showed itself outside of the confines of your job was when you showed up at a parent meeting for your younger daughter’s high school show choir. For a variety of reasons, the group announced that they were going to begin the process of rebranding their home competition. Although you attempted to stay uninvolved, you finally had to speak up. As you listened to members of the group attempt to recreate the wheel and outline possible rebranding steps, you felt you had to speak up.
In the end, you became one of the two leads in the process of renaming and rolling out the new brand. You used a number of the past methods you employed in your retail displays job and bought floor sign holders in bulk and even purchased more expensive metal free standing sign holders for the outside entrances. Fortunately, once the new brand was in place, this job was over. In fact, your new goal of any parent meeting is to stay quiet and simply continue to offer your photography as your sole contribution.
Although the rebranding project for the show choir event was pretty extensive, at least that project had an end. This is not the case for the task you are in charge of for your older daughter’s gymnastics team. First for her club, and now for her college, your photographs are often featured at the end of the year recognition banquet. As you quickly tired of the possibility that your excellent photographs would be so poorly reproduced, you felt compelled to offer advice. With resources for quality, affordable printing, you helped the group prepare table displays that featured the senior gymnasts who were being recognized.
Serving a second purpose, the creatively retail display ideas that were featuring a gymnast instead of a product became treasured keepsakes for the girls and their families.
Poster Display Stands and Other Retail Tools Can be Used to Present Any Number of Events
Have you ever walked into a store and been nearly blown away by the marketing that is used to promote the latest products? Perhaps you have found yourself looking at a cleverly displayed set of swimsuits in sizes far too small for you. Perhaps you have found yourself wasting time looking through aisles of creatively presented home decor in colors that would have no place in your own home.
We have likely all been victims of losing track of time poring over products that we never really considered essential simply because of where those items are located in a store, or how uniquely they are marketed. Although your time spent on these display and products are an impulsive reaction, the display itself is very intentional. Consider some of these facts about the retail sales strategy:
- 3,000 is the average number of ads and promotional messages that consumers are exposed to every day.
- It only takes three to seven seconds for a consumer to decide to stick with a previous brand or to buy a competitor.
- 82% of a shopper’s purchase decisions are made in the store.
- Full priced products perform as much as 18% better with retail signage than without.
- According to a Mass Merchant Study in 2014, 16% of unplanned purchases were caused by a display noticed during shopping.
- 77% of consumers still go to a store to shop, even though shoppers use their smartphones to do research on a particular product.
Retail display tools serve a purpose in attracting, directing, and motivating potential clients and customers. It should come as no surprise that these same tools can be successfully employed in a number of other settings.