In the past, larger multinational corporations and smaller mom and pop shops alike did not need to hire business coaches to train their employees. They did not need these business coaches because the business community was much simpler then; businesses in the past used far fewer technologies than businesses use today, and furthermore, the technologies that they did use were much simpler. Furthermore, many businesses in the past dealt almost exclusively with companies and business people that they personally knew; therefore, these companies did not need to hire professional business coaches to run sales seminars because they did not believe that their salespeople needed to be taught how to talk to friends who they had known for their entire lives.
Today, however, the business community is much more complicated than it was in the past. Today, even the smallest mom and pop shop uses hundreds (if not more) pieces of complicated technology every day. Furthermore, even the smallest mom and pop shop deals with companies and business people who they do not personally know. What is more, many of these smaller businesses are discovering that the business world is changing extremely rapidly; many smaller businesses have been forced to acknowledged that it is impossible to master the new business strategies without outside help.
Consequently, many smaller businesses have hired business coaches from business coaching training firms who agree to teach them how to function in the wild world of 21st century businesses. These business coaches offer several different services. Some business coaches train managers and employees how to use complicated new technologies to maximize their productivity. Other business coaches teach salespeople how to sell products and services to businesses and business people that they have never met before; they teach them how to read their clients’ body language and how to tailor their sales approach to the person with whom they are speaking. Still other business coaches teach employees how to manage their time effectively; they teach them how to prioritize tasks and how to delegate effectively.
These business coaches have proved so successful that many larger companies are starting to hire outside business coaches to boost their employees’ productivity. However, many large companies are pushing the business coaching model one step farther by teaching their own employees how to become a business coach. Some of these major companies prefer in house business coaches to third party business coaches because they believe that in house business coaches will care more about the well being of the company than third party specialists. Furthermore, some of these major companies believe that in house business coaches are less expensive than third party business coaches.
I will never hire a business coach as long as I own and run my own company. I believe that these people are con artists who are just looking to make a quick dollar. I will continue to train my own employees, thank you very much.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.
Grandpa, the Depression ended sixty years ago. Spring for some good business coaches, why do not you do so? Oh, because you are old and out of date. It is time to retire, bro, and give your company to somebody who knows the score.