All types of packaging are used all throughout the United States. From packaging for e-commerce to packaging for your local grocery store, packaging is hugely important in this day and age – and this is only growing as time passes onward. Fortunately, there are many ways that we can create better packaging, like packaging for e-commerce, than ever before. And the better the packaging for e-commerce, the more likely it is that people will order more and more of these products.
And packaging for e-commerce will only grow more and more important as time passes on and more people begin to order products online. Already, after all, the world of e-commerce is a thriving one. More and more people are buying things online, as online goods are relatively inexpensive in many cases and as the ease and convenience of shopping online is virtually unparalleled. With more and more people shopping online, therefore, the need for packaging for e-commerce is also on the rise. And high quality packaging for e-commerce products is something that can seriously impact how many people become returning customers.
Of course, printing services are used far more broadly than just for packaging for e-commerce purposes. For instance, the creation of the on site signage display is something that is hugely necessary for any given business to not only survive but to thrive as well. Utilizing professional printing services for a commercial signage display and other printing needs is something that more than 75% of all businesses feel gives them a professional leg up, at least over businesses where such measures might not be taken. The data supporting this is strong, showing that more than 80% of all consumers have found themselves far more likely to frequent a business, especially on a regular basis, if commercial signage solutions and other implements of professional printing services have been utilized.
Personal printing is also hugely important, with many people printing things for their own purposes. Though technology has advanced far in the time that has passed since the year of 1993, when digital printing was first ever invented, there is still a pronounced need for printing services even among the younger generations. Of Millennials living all throughout the United States, up to half of them will have something printed at least once throughout the course of the typical month, if not even more frequently than that, for that matter. These materials might include everything from school papers to business cards to even just personal materials. One thing is for certain, however: digital printing services are not going away anytime soon, at least not at the rate that things have been going, that is.
Again, the data that has been gathered on the subject yet again supports this claim. For one thing, up to 90% of all consumers found in the United States have stated that there will always be a need for printed materials. In addition to this, many people simply relate to these printed materials more than they do to digital materials, which will be overlooked in just about 15 seconds (on average). Print material, on the other hand, seems to stick much more firmly indeed. Therefore, the need for various printed material is likely to remain high, at least when it comes to properly engaging with consumers and prospective customers.
And there’s no doubt about it that companies providing print and packaging solutions (such as packaging for e-commerce needs) and other printing services are thriving. As a matter of fact, it has even been found that the industry for commercial printing grew by very nearly 2% in the year of 2018 alone. The year of 2019, as it begins to draw to a close, is bringing about similar patterns of growth. If such growth continues, then the printing industry will only become more and more successful as time is passing on. After all, nearly three quarters of all businesses are actually ordering more and more with each passing year, not less and less. This factor alone is pivotal in terms of overall growth and shows the need for and popularity of various printing services that can be found in the United States.