Updated 3/4/21
It is essential to have a fire alarm system in commercial or residential buildings to alert the occupants in case of a fire emergency. Fire alarms and detectors are set inside the business fire alarm systems to offer zonal coverage in the facility. Due to the increased number of fire incidents, fire alarm companies are putting more effort into improving the fire alarm system and increase its efficiency. The fire alarm is incorporated into the best smoke detectors on the market and the best smoke fire carbon monoxide detector to identify fire from the developing stage and transmit signal using audio or visual appliances. Fire alarm warning signals include a flashing light, siren, voice messages, or a phone call.
A high-quality fire alarm system incorporated into the best smoke dectors identifies the fire emergency at the right time and sends warning signals resulting in immediate response. Some are also connected to the central fire department and send a signal directly to the fire station department leading to a quicker response. The different types of alarm systems include wireless, addressable, intelligent, and convectional. Although the fire alarm does nothing to stop the fire, the signal sends decrease damages and saves lives if action is taken immediately.
Having functioning fire alarm systems in place can be more beneficial than we realize. Fire protection companies reported that non chemical suppression systems operate effectively 96% of the time in an area with a large oven. Think about what the statistics would be if there were no type of fire alarm systems or fire protection services operating in these places. Automatic sprinklers coupled with early warning systems like fire alarms systems have been proven to reduce human fatalities as well as over all injury and even property damage by a minimum of 50%.
Property Damage
When there are properly functioning fire alarm systems in place, even if there is no actual fire suppression system at the location of the fire, a fire department is able to limit a lot of the damage occurred. An early warning system can usually provide about 10 to 15 minutes of warning before the beginning stages end. This stage is called the incipient stage and is referring to the initial stages of a fire that can usually be contained by portable fire extinguishers or small hoses without having to use breathing equipment or protective clothing. Warehouse fires are known to have a higher amount of property damage with each fire than other places but even if a warehouse can install a fire alarm that is linked to a firehouse, the firefighters will be able to contain much of the damage and limit property loss. Each year, hotels that do not invest in fire alarm systems suffer approximately $76 million in property loss and damage.
Human Fatalities
In a building that has an efficient sprinkler system, The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) does not have one record where a fire caused fatalities in more than two people. This goes to show that an effective system truly can save lives. Hotels that didn’t have a fire alarm or fire suppression system of some kind, caused about 15 deaths a year. This is avoidable if they would only take the time and money to install what is necessary to protect their employees. Businesses and companies that will not maintain their fire systems and take care of the protection are considered negligent by the law and if a fatality or an injury occurs during a fire and it is found out that the maintenance has been less than standard on a fire alarm system, the employer can be found liable for the damage.
Overall Injuries
Confined cooking fires alone make up for around 55% of medical facility fires and again, hotels that didn’t have a fire alarm system in place caused 150 injuries in one year. Another thing that can reduce the amount of injuries that a fire can cause is having proper policies in place. When an alarm system is installed, the company should take the precautions necessary to teach and train their employees what to do in the even of a fire. Drills must be carried out and fire exits clearly posted. If a fire alarm goes off and people don’t know how to exit efficiently and carefully, there can be chaos and people running everywhere, trying to get out. Employees should know, before there is ever the chance of a fire, what exactly they should do and where they should go if a fire should ever occur in their workplace.
Other Ways that Fire Alarm Systems Help
Warehouse property fires have reduced significantly over the past few decades. In 1980 the average amount of fires in warehouses was about 4700 and according to a study done in 2011 the average amount of fires had dropped to 1200. This is mostly thanks to early warning systems. Technology has helped a lot in making people aware of a fire early enough to avoid all of the above situations. Not only that but have a fire alarm system can provide early enough warning that there is no need for a fire suppression system like water or foam that could potentially damage the contents of the people. For example, if your company has a lot expensive machinery and equipment or important documents, an early warning system could provide enough time for the fire to be put out without dousing the entire building.