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Classification of Machining Processes

Classification of Machining Processes

Small Business MagazineFeb 4, 20201 min read

Generally, machining processes are meant to create a new shape of the material. Since metals are the most used substances in the manufacturing industry, machining process are generally carried out on metals. However, machining can also be carried out on other materials such…

New Uses For Old Shipping Containers

New Uses For Old Shipping Containers

Small Business MagazineFeb 1, 20201 min read

Much of the world’s shipping is done by ship across the oceans, and these massive vessels carry many tons of goods of all kinds inside metal shipping containers. Most Americans have probably seen these distinctive metal boxes before, either in person or in…

How Small Business Factoring Services Can Keep Your Startup Growing Smoothly

How Small Business Factoring Services Can Keep Your Startup Growing Smoothly

Small Business MagazineJan 30, 20201 min read

If you have recently started a company, it is likely that you already understand the appreciate the hard work, dedication, and resourcefulness that needs to go into the mix if you want a new business to progress, grow, and flourish. Making the right…

Four Good Reasons Why Companies Need To Shred Sensitive Document

Four Good Reasons Why Companies Need To Shred Sensitive Document

Small Business MagazineJan 29, 20201 min read

In a survey of top executives from 300 companies, these executives identified the security of company records as one of the top five most critical issues facing their business. It’s easy to see why. It seems these days that you hear more and…