Being deemed an essential service is important. In fact, while there are many companies struggling to succeed during these challenging times, the companies that are labeled essential may find themselves thriving. From well known factories that make use of induction hardening techniques with the largest steel melting furnaces to the workers at grocery stores, the country’s definition of essential services and workers is expanding. And while there are some companies that in the pst have only been known for the spare parts that they provide their customers, some of these very same companies have the tools, work force, and resources to build the materials that are needed most during these unprecedented times. From the use of 3D printers to create face shields to the use of steel melting furnace the induction hardening process to create surfaces that are easier to clean and maintain, it is important to note that it will take the essential services of many companies doing their part to help the nation with its greatest health and economic challenge.
Steel Production Remains Important Even During the Current Health Crisis
One group of essential workers that cannot be ignored is the teams and companies of steel workers who are helping to produce the needed materials for railcars that are used to help transport essential materials across the country. In fact, it is these same workers who create both the ships and the shipping containers that are used in the international transportation industry as well.
From steel melting induction furnaces that have been repurposed to create materials that health care facilities need to the precision casting business supplies that are needed in schools, there is no shortage of workers who are supplying essential services to the nation.
And while it may be impossible to list all of the ways that steel induction hardening furnaces and other large machines are playing a rile in keeping the nation’s economy going, it may be enough to start by examining the role that this industry has played in the past:
- Just three short years ago in 2017, world crude steel production reached a total of 1.69 billion tonnes, which represented a 3.9% increase from the year 2016. And while many industries may see their production work lagging, the steel industry remains an important part of solving not only the nation’s problems, but driving the nation’s economy.
- Up to 50% of the world’s steel is used for buildings and infrastructure, and in a time when there is less traffic in many large cities, this is important to know. In fact, it is a well known practice that many city officials are using this time to complete major roads and bridge projects in record time.
- The U.S. is the world’s number one importer of steel. In 2017, for example, the country imported up to $27 billion worth of steel. These imports enable the building of many kinds of important buildings, roads, and other types of infrastructure.
- Fortunately, nearly 17% of imported steel into the U.S. comes from Canada, which means that the distance these products have to travel is not as great as it cold be.
- Playing a major role in the economy of the country just to the north of us, a total 88% of Canada’s steel exports went to the U.S. in the year 2016, according to Oxford Economics.
- In addition to the infrastructure uses that so many of us are familiar with, nearly 16% of the world’s steel is used for mechanical equipment such as for manufacturing or robotics. These robotics uses play essential roles in the development and production of medical testing kits and vaccines.
- Another 13% of the world’s steel is used in the automotive industry, so it is important to many workers and large corporations that the sales of these cars and trucks continue to improve after a slow previous three months..
- The frequencies used in induction melting can vary between 50 cycles per second, which is known as mains frequency, and 10,000 cycles per second, which is a very high frequency. For this reason, use of induction hardening furnaces is essential
- The proven melting point of steel is 1370 degrees Celsius, 2500 degrees Fahrenheit.