From the funny keynote speaker to the typical recruiting speaker to the retention speaker, public speaking is a great way to tell people about the place that you work, the company that you own, and why they should come and work for you. In fact, a recruiting speaker or retention speaker can even be a great way to boost your employee retention rates, getting people – particularly young people – excited about a job even before they officially apply for it.
And, of course, young people are hugely prevalent in the workforce today, though five generations are currently working side by side (the first time in history that this has happened). But millennials, who were born between the years of 1981 and 1996, are slowly taking over, now making up more than thirty five percent (thirty seven percent) of the job force at the current date. In the coming years, of course, this number is only expected to grow and to grow.
But the millennial generation has also been known as the job hunting generation, with up to sixty percent of all current millennial employees always on the lookout for the next best job. Job loyalty can be hard to gain, and companies often find that they must sell the job to the potential employees as much as the potential employees must sell themselves to the employer. And this is where a recruiting speaker can be so influential. The typical recruiting speaker can help to show all of the benefits of any given company, but there is more to having a happy workplace than just the recruiting speaker.
A workplace culture speaker can also be hugely beneficial to any given workplace, especially when it comes to dealing with age diversity in the workplace, something that is seen so very much across the board nowadays. This can be a difficult thing, as younger generations often have a different expectation of the work environment than the older generations, something that any given recruiting speaker will be able to tell you about.
For instance, whereas older generations tend to be satisfied with the typical performance reviews, many people in the millennial generation are interested in getting much more frequent feedback. In fact, this is the case for as many as eighty percent of them. And the culture of the workplace can also be something that varies, especially when it comes to things like interpersonal relationships between different employees and wanting a more laid back and collaborative environment on a whole.
However, it is also important to note that older generations and younger generations have many things in common too, something that any given recruiting speaker or workplace culture speaker should bring up when in the process of managing generational differences in the work place. After all, most have the same end goals and needs, looking for a sustainable income and good benefits (with all age groups overwhelmingly picking health care as the most important aspect of this). And all age groups care in about the same amount for bettering their workplace on a whole.
However, it is perhaps human nature that we see our differences far more clearly than we see our similarities, and it becomes a difficult thing for many people to integrate into a workplace that seems unwelcoming (at least at first). With the help of speakers in the workplace and a conscientious acknowledgement of everyone’s needs, such problems can be sorted through if not simply avoided entirely. However, this is likely to take time and patience on behalf of all parties, and is not something that should be rushed to a conclusion by any means.
But there is a silver lining to much of this potential difficult, and it is that more people are a part of the workforce now than ever. In fact, unemployment rates are currently sitting at just over three and a half percent. This actually makes them the lowest they have been in an impressive eighteen years, something that should be taken note of. And with so many people in the workplace, many industries (and the people that they employ) are nothing if not thriving and experiencing a period of prosperity here in the United States.