If you are a business owner who is not tapping into the possibilities of internet marketing, you are missing out on connecting with a vital contingent of customers who engage with companies and their products via web articles, email, and social media. In fact, nearly a quarter of last years marketing expenditures were made in the field of online marketing.
With the consummate knowledge and professionalism of a Chicago internet marketing agency, can gain the edge you need to reach a whole new consumer base and convert them into faithful customers. Perhaps the most important facet of any successful online campaign is search engine optimization, or SEO. Any worthwhile SEO marketing firm will emphasize the crucial role that content which is keyword rich and relevant to the customer will get preferred billing in search engine results, and in turn be seen by more prospective customers. With the right SEO tools, you can thrive in this new paradigm for successful marketing.
An excellent complement to this approach is social media marketing, which allows you to solidify the relevance your brand and quickly reach an exponential amount of online users Without positive public perception of your companys social media presence, your overall effectiveness in dealing with your customers may take a serious hit. A big part of crafting this positive perception stems from creating content that users find to be worthy of retweeting. The vast majority of retweets, 92 percent to be exact, occur because the information provided was pertinent to the user and engrossing.
And while SEO tools and social media marketing can help attract a broader audience of first time customers, email marketing can be an ideal way of touching base with repeat customers and turning leads into sales. Unfortunately most businesses, 70 percent actually, devote no more than three hours each week to their email marketing campaigns.
For further discussion about online marketing, leave your questions, comments, and suggestions in the section below.
Which search engine rankings should I be most concerned with as I improve my companys online marketing strategies?
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.
As the current standard bearer and most dominant name in the field, I would concentrate my efforts achieving high visibility on Google.